Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sept. 15- 2010 All About Women Health - Ovarian Cysts

Signs and Symptoms of Ovarian Cysts
By Ingrid Mercer

Recommended Reading
Ovarian Cyst Miracle
The Most Powerful & Unique 3-Step System
To Help Reverse Ovarian Cysts Holistically

Although the majority of women will have an ovarian cyst at some point in their lives, many are unaware of the signs and symptoms of OC´s. In fact, the symptoms of these legions are generally confused with regular menstrual pain and the vast majority of them go unnoticed. It is best to have an idea of what to look for though, as large or ruptured cysts could cause other complications.
Common Symptoms
Although each person may experience the signs of OCs differently, there are some common symptoms that almost everyone with a cyst will experience. These include:
• Pelvic Discomfort: Pain in the pelvic and lower abdominal region is one of the most common signs and symptoms of ovarian cysts. It can range from a dull ache to a constant and intense pain and is generally centered on the side of your body that contains the cyst. • A Change in Monthly Cycles: If you monthly period has stopped or changes has other infrequencies, then it is a pretty good sign that you may have developed a cyst. • Ongoing Bloating: While some bloating is normal, especially during your monthly cycle, if you are experienced prolonged periods of bloating or feelings of being full, then you need to see the help of a doctor. • Spotting: If your regular cycle is replaced by light spotting then you may have cysts. If the pregnancy tests are coming in negative then have yourself checked.
Signs of an Emergency
Sometimes an ovarian cyst can go undetected, but then may suddenly rupture or become so large that it compromises another organ. If any of the following symptoms occur, you should seek medical help right away.
• Fainting • Sudden Weight Loss • Increased Need to Urinate • Sudden and Prolonged Abdominal Pain • Strong Bleeding Outside of Your Monthly Cycle
There are many signs and symptoms of ova. cysts that can be mistaken for signs of other conditions, including pregnancy. You can use the information above to become better acquainted with the true symptoms of cysts and when it is imperative that you get medical help.
Are you having pain from ovarian cysts? Do you want to get relief of pain from ovarian cysts?
Go to http://www.ovariancystinddoctrination.info for more valuable information on treatment of ovarian cysts.

Recommended Reading
Ovarian Cyst Miracle
The Most Powerful & Unique 3-Step System
To Help Reverse Ovarian Cysts Holistically

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ingrid_Mercer

Monday, September 6, 2010

Sept. 07- 2010 All About Women Health - Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian Cyst Natural Treatments
By Susan Talbot Platinum Quality Author

Recommended Reading
Ovarian Cyst Miracle
The Most Powerful & Unique 3-Step System
To Help Reverse Ovarian Cysts Holistically

As horrible as they are, ovarian cysts are also relatively common. Once the doctor has determined that you have cysts they may talk to you about the traditional treatment options that are available, usually involving pain medication, the Birth Control Pill and even surgery. But there are ovarian cyst natural remedies that can also be used to relieve your pain and even reduce the size of your cyst.

Herbal Treatments: When it comes to a ovarian cyst natural remedies, herbal treatments are certainly worth considering.

Many herbal remedies are based on the notion that your cysts are caused by a hormonal imbalance. Alternative practitioners correct this imbalance by using plants and herbs to rebalance and cleanse the body. They also have specific herbs that can target your cyst and help with relieving your symptoms.

The only drawback to using herbal remedies is that they take time to work. It is generally recommended that you continue to take your herbal remedies for around 6 weeks.

Herbs which are often used for treating cysts are:

Red Clover, Milk Thistle, Chasteberry, Dandelion, Black Cohosh

It is always best to talk to with a naturopath or herbalist to decide the best herbal remedies for you, as well as your dosage. You should also let your doctor know that you are taking any ovarian cyst natural remedy as this may affect their prescription.

Bach Flowers - Bach Flower Remedies are another example of natural remedies: Honeysuckle, Walnut, Red Chestnut, Impatiens, Wild Oats

Castor Oil - Castor oil, has been used for many years to treat a variety of ailments cysts included. It works as an ovarian cyst natural cure by literally dissolving the cyst. If you have been unfortunate enough to have a ruptured cyst you can use a Castor oil pack to relieve the pain and repair the damage.

Castor oil can be used externally on the skin above the cyst. The oil will absorb into the skin and treat your cyst this way. A Castor oil pack not only helps your ovaries, it may also help your digestive system and decrease inflammation. It can help with constipation, gall stones, liver problems or headaches as well. It can also improve circulation and stimulate toxin elimination. The only time that Castor oil is not recommended is when you are pregnant, having your period or if your cyst is malignant.

Diet - Diet may have an impact on the frequency and severity of your cysts. It is thought that the risk increases with the consumption of foods that are high in carbohydrates or estrogen. This is because when you eat a diet high in carbohydrates and gain weight, the fat cells tend to store estrogen. Also, a high carbohydrate diet can wreak havoc with your insulin levels. Excess estrogen and insulin are two hormones which are associated with increased risk of having problems with cysts.

While not technically an ovarian cyst natural remedy, some think that notably reducing or even stopping foods high in carbohydrates and estrogen can be very beneficial if you have problems with recurring cysts.

For more ovarian cyst natural treatment and relief options head on over to Natural Ovarian Cyst Cures

Recommended Reading
Ovarian Cyst Miracle
The Most Powerful & Unique 3-Step System
To Help Reverse Ovarian Cysts Holistically

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Susan_Talbot

Sunday, August 29, 2010

August 30- 2010 All About Women Health - Ovarian Cysts

Cure For Ovarian Cysts - Understanding the Treatments
By Serena Loo Platinum Quality Author

Recommended Reading
Ovarian Cyst Miracle
The Most Powerful & Unique 3-Step System
To Help Reverse Ovarian Cysts Holistically

Don't be surprised to know that many women have ovarian cysts at some points of their lives. There is no need to be alarmed, for most of the time the cysts are benign and don't cause you much symptoms or problems. The benign cysts, or known as functional ovarian cysts, usually shrink and disappear without any form of medication within a few months. Obviously in this case you won't need any ovarian cyst treatment.

Sometimes things can happen in another way, though. When a cyst continues to grow over 2-3 menstrual cycles, or twist in the ovaries, then pelvic pain or even bleeding can take place. An enlarged cyst is at risk of rupture, which in turn can lead to very serious symptoms and possibly complications.

Typical treatments prescribed by doctors are hormone medications, such as birth control pills. Sometimes, you'll be asked to just wait and observe, to see whether the cyst continues to grow or shrinks after a couple of months.

Doctors will start prescribing hormone drugs when the cysts are not resolving on their own; the drug treatment is meant to stop or control cyst growth. Pain relievers are also given to relieve the pain.

What you need to know is that hormonal drugs don't treat the contributing causes of ovarian cysts. The cyst may be gone after you take the drugs for a while, but they often return since the root cause is not removed. In some cases where patients do not respond to hormonal treatment, surgical removal of the cyst may be warranted.

Apart from modern drug treatment, there are options of using natural remedies. Herbal remedies, for instance, are one of the options, although it may take more than a couple of months to see any marked results. You will also need to modify what you eat and start taking supplements to help you regain a hormonal balance.

In a nutshell, the most effective way to treat ovarian cysts successfully is to address its underlying causes, perhaps use a holistic approach that has worked well in many women with this condition.

For a holistic approach, there is an all-natural ovarian cyst relief program that may offer ways to cure ovarian cysts naturally.

Recommended Reading
Ovarian Cyst Miracle
The Most Powerful & Unique 3-Step System
To Help Reverse Ovarian Cysts Holistically

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Serena_Loo

Friday, August 13, 2010

August 14- 2010 All About Women Health - Ovarian Cysts

Natural Cure For Ovarian Cysts, Give Your Body What it Needs to Heal Itself
By Renee Pullman Platinum Quality Author

Recommended Reading
Ovarian Cyst Miracle
The Most Powerful & Unique 3-Step System
To Help Reverse Ovarian Cysts Holistically

Is there a natural cure for ovarian cysts? Women have been dealing with ovarian cysts for thousands of years and methods to relieve the pain have been around as well. Nature has provided us with means to deal with everything we face but we have chosen to ignore much of it.

Nature's methods are easier on the body, usually more effective, and cost less than traditional medicine. Your diet is a good place to start. Good fiber comes with micro nutrients and this combination can make miracles. Your body is starved for these things and they are essential in giving your body the tools it needs to repair itself. Adding an apple to your diet is a good place to begin but other foods help too. Pears, barley, oatmeal, blueberries, beans are all good sources of fiber and micro nutrients.

Not eating a fiber rich diet can leave you constipated and cause you major pain with your ovarian cysts. Concentrate on vegetables and fruits in this respect. Bread and grains are OK but more than a little of these can cause weight gain.

Drinking lots of water is also important. Water is what the body uses for internal cleansing; it flushes out toxins and helps you stay healthy. The better diet and lots of water will do wonders when dealing with ovarian cysts. Herbal teas are another source of healing. These teas provide antioxidants and other micro nutrients that are not found in the modern diet. The teas and water will help flush toxins and help you stay healthy.

Eat fresh fruits and vegetables as often as you can and accompany these foods with water and herbal teas. Do this constantly and you will allow your body to tune, cleanse, and heal itself.

As the natural healing is beginning in your body you still need to relieve pain. Tylenol, warm baths, stress reduction, and heating pads are still the most effective means to do this. All of these things go to not only helping your ovarian cysts but will improve your health and outlook in general. These things are a partial antidote to modern living and will help bring peace and balance back to your life allowing your body to heal itself.

Nature has provided our needs for centuries. In the modern era we have chosen to ignore the things that have always been here for us. A natural cure for ovarian cysts is the most effective treatment to cure the cysts and keep them from returning.

Make the positive choices for a health lifestyle and enhanced happiness. I invite you to visit our website to learn more about a natural cure for ovarian cysts.

By changing lifestyle habits you can remove the need for repeated surgeries or hormone treatments by eliminating the causes of the cysts. http://ovariancystsignssymptoms.com/.

Recommended Reading
Ovarian Cyst Miracle
The Most Powerful & Unique 3-Step System
To Help Reverse Ovarian Cysts Holistically

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Renee_Pullman

Thursday, August 5, 2010

August 06- 2010 All About Women Health - Ovarian Cysts

Natural Cure For Ovarian Cysts, Give Your Body What it Needs to Heal Itself
By Renee Pullman

Recommended Reading
Ovarian Cyst Miracle
The Most Powerful & Unique 3-Step System
To Help Reverse Ovarian Cysts Holistically

Is there a natural cure for ovarian cysts? Women have been dealing with ovarian cysts for thousands of years and methods to relieve the pain have been around as well. Nature has provided us with means to deal with everything we face but we have chosen to ignore much of it.
Nature's methods are easier on the body, usually more effective, and cost less than traditional medicine. Your diet is a good place to start. Good fiber comes with micro nutrients and this combination can make miracles. Your body is starved for these things and they are essential in giving your body the tools it needs to repair itself. Adding an apple to your diet is a good place to begin but other foods help too. Pears, barley, oatmeal, blueberries, beans are all good sources of fiber and micro nutrients.
Not eating a fiber rich diet can leave you constipated and cause you major pain with your ovarian cysts. Concentrate on vegetables and fruits in this respect. Bread and grains are OK but more than a little of these can cause weight gain.
Drinking lots of water is also important. Water is what the body uses for internal cleansing; it flushes out toxins and helps you stay healthy. The better diet and lots of water will do wonders when dealing with ovarian cysts. Herbal teas are another source of healing. These teas provide antioxidants and other micro nutrients that are not found in the modern diet. The teas and water will help flush toxins and help you stay healthy.
Eat fresh fruits and vegetables as often as you can and accompany these foods with water and herbal teas. Do this constantly and you will allow your body to tune, cleanse, and heal itself.
As the natural healing is beginning in your body you still need to relieve pain. Tylenol, warm baths, stress reduction, and heating pads are still the most effective means to do this. All of these things go to not only helping your ovarian cysts but will improve your health and outlook in general. These things are a partial antidote to modern living and will help bring peace and balance back to your life allowing your body to heal itself.
Nature has provided our needs for centuries. In the modern era we have chosen to ignore the things that have always been here for us. A natural cure for ovarian cysts is the most effective treatment to cure the cysts and keep them from returning.
Make the positive choices for a health lifestyle and enhanced happiness. I invite you to visit our website to learn more about a natural cure for ovarian cysts.
By changing lifestyle habits you can remove the need for repeated surgeries or hormone treatments by eliminating the causes of the cysts. http://ovariancystsignssymptoms.com/.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Renee_Pullman

Recommended Reading
Ovarian Cyst Miracle
The Most Powerful & Unique 3-Step System
To Help Reverse Ovarian Cysts Holistically

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Thursday, July 29, 2010

July 30- 2010 All About Women Health - Ovarian Cysts

About Ovarian Cyst Symptoms
By John Dine

Recommended Reading
Ovarian Cyst Miracle
The Most Powerful & Unique 3-Step System
To Help Reverse Ovarian Cysts Holistically

Ovaries are the female reproductive organs in the body that produce and store eggs. An ovary cyst is a sac that gets formed on or in the ovaries and is filled with fluid. This cyst gets formed in a woman's body when the ovaries are preparing eggs for release into the fallopian tubes. Most of the cysts are not harmful but some cysts may be connected to cancer.

An ovary cyst develops because of a number of reasons and can be of different types from benign to life threatening. Different types of cysts are Cystadenomas, Functional cyst, Polycystic ovaries, Dermoid cysts or Endometriomas.

Ovarian cyst symptoms

Every type of ovararian cyst gives very different symptoms that a woman experiences. Some of the cysts that develop are asymptomatic, meaning that they do not give any symptoms to the body. Some of the symptoms that develop include:

• Painful legs
• Softness in the breasts
• Irregular menstrual cycles
• Pressure on the bladder
• Increase in body weight
• Problems in passing urine
• Painful intercourse
• Continuous pain in the abdomen

Some ovarian cysts are harmful to the body. If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, you should get your cysts treated immediately:

• Fever
• Vomiting
• Severe stomach pain
• Tiredness
• Shortness of breath

Diagnosis of an ovarian cyst

Ovarian cysts are diagnosed by a test called the pep smear test. The tests are done by a gynecologist by feeling the ovaries to detect for any kind of swelling or lesion in the ovaries. If a cyst is suspected by the gynecologist, she will refer an ultrasound and with the report of the ultrasound, you will get to know the location of the cyst, its size, its shape and the consistency of the cyst.

When an ovarian cyst is detected, then blood tests are referred by the doctors to check the risk of ovarian cancer. In the blood tests done, if the amounts of protein CA-125 are very high, then the risk of ovarian cancer is also very high.

More information about Ovarian Cyst Symptom here.

Recommended Reading
Ovarian Cyst Miracle
The Most Powerful & Unique 3-Step System
To Help Reverse Ovarian Cysts Holistically

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

July 23- 2010 All About Women Health - Ovarian Cysts

Complex Ovarian Cyst Symptoms You Need to Watch Out For
By Vivienne Stockdale

Recommended Reading
Ovarian Cyst Miracle
The Most Powerful & Unique 3-Step System
To Help Reverse Ovarian Cysts Holistically

Women of all races and ages can be at risk of contracting an ovarian cyst. Since these cysts usually appear with no warning, many women are not aware of the condition until it starts to cause painful complications. Because there is no definite test to really tell if you have this type of ovarian cyst, you should make it part of your routine to go to your doctor for regular consultations. Want to know how you will be able to take the first step to recovery? Here is a short list of the most common ovarian cyst symptoms that you should keep an eye out for.

Many women who have cysts complain of experiencing incessant isolated pain on one side of the lower abdomen or the back. For others, pain is usually felt during and after sexual intercourse. Given that there are some ovarian cysts that tend to grow faster than others, there is that possibility that you might feel some form of pressure or fullness in your abdomen, which may result to painful bowel movements. You should also take an interest in your menstrual cycle as an irregular pattern may mean that a complex ovarian cyst is already causing your body to go through some abnormal hormonal changes. You may also experience symptoms like migraine and nausea, which you may initially dismiss as pregnancy symptoms so be sure to check with your doctor first before undergoing any treatments.

Since most of the common complex ovarian cyst symptoms can be easily mistaken for other diseases, do not hesitate to get tests and screenings to rule out other possible medical conditions, your doctor might even suggest you get an ultrasound aside from the routine pelvic examination, to validate the diagnosis.

Unfortunately, there is a general lack of information and misinformation about these cysts. I have researched the internet and have found it difficult to find the information that I was looking for... Except in one site that I found very helpful...

I have suffered from my ovarian cyst and it was cured naturally with a holistic treatment. If you really serious about finding good information about how you can cure yours, you need to go to this website now. http://complex-ovarian-cyst-vivienne.blogspot.com

Recommended Reading
Ovarian Cyst Miracle
The Most Powerful & Unique 3-Step System
To Help Reverse Ovarian Cysts Holistically

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Thursday, July 15, 2010

July 16- 2010 All About Women Health - Ovarian Cysts

A Complex Ovarian Cyst Does Not Mean Cancer
By Sandra Maria Stammberger

Recommended Reading
Ovarian Cyst Miracle
The Most Powerful & Unique 3-Step System
To Help Reverse Ovarian Cysts Holistically

Complex ovarian cysts have both fluid and solid components with at least 50% of the cyst being solid. It is the solid component in the cyst that may be cause for concern. The only way to be sure that the cyst is either benign or malignant is by surgery. It is up to your physician, through testing, to determine whether cancer is present and to make the proper diagnosis. In most cases, 85% of this type of cyst is benign.
There is not one common method of treatment that is used for this or any type of cyst. Each individual must be evaluated on the type of cyst they have. The 3 most common types of cysts are Dermoid, which is not a cancerous cyst, but can be painful if it twists upon itself. Endometrioma, is when the cyst grows outside the uterus and can lead to ovarian complications. And the third is Cystadenomas, which contains liquid and mucus. These cysts can get quite large and can twist upon themselves, which can cause a great deal of pain.
The size of the cyst will also be taken into consideration when determining treatment. Some cysts may require immediate surgery, while others may be treated with medication for a time to determine if shrinkage is occurring. The age of the patient, previous health history, and other symptoms, which are present, will determine what type of treatment you and your doctor choose.
Although most Complex Ovarian Cysts are benign, this knowledge should not be taken lightly. Ovarian cysts may grow and can lead to health problems and complications. Some women have no pain at all while others suffer lower back pain, nausea, pelvic discomfort during sex, abnormal bleeding, breast tenderness, and vomiting. There is no conclusive evidence at this time as to why some women experience pain and some do not.
Laparoscopic surgery may be used to remove the cyst in some woman whereas others may end up having an ovary removed or in radical circumstances, a hysterectomy. None of these symptoms alone or together confirm or deny the possibility of cancer. Only through testing can this be determined. Therefore you should not assume that by having complex ovarian cysts or having any of these symptoms that you indeed have cancer.
If you currently or have suffered from ovarian cysts, and are thinking of preventive measures, recent suggestions are supplements, herbs, and vitamins that can help balance the hormones and improve body function while improving your body's immunity and boosting liver functions. Others claim that a cancerous ovarian cyst should not be treated with natural methods due to the complications that could incur. If you choose to use alternative medicine to prevent the risk of ovarian cysts, it is strongly suggested that you discuss what methods of treatment you prefer with your physician before starting on a regimen or making a final decision.
To find out more useful information about ovarian cysts and how to naturally cure them please visit Ovarian Cyst Symptoms and Treatment.

Recommended Reading
Ovarian Cyst Miracle
The Most Powerful & Unique 3-Step System
To Help Reverse Ovarian Cysts Holistically

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Thursday, July 8, 2010

July 13- 2010 All About Women Health - Ovarian Cysts

Natural Cures For Ovarian Cysts Without Birth Control
By Katie L. McMurray

Recommended Reading
Ovarian Cyst Miracle
The Most Powerful & Unique 3-Step System

To Help Reverse Ovarian Cysts Holistically

Large and overwhelming numbers of women are fed up with the pills, surgery and invasive procedures that may only provide temporary relief from the ovarian cysts they suffer with. There are alternatives and natural cures for ovarian cysts without birth control. Anyone suffering with this condition knows there has got to be a better way. What we will discuss today is a natural cure for ovarian cysts and one that deals with really getting to the root of the problem to fix it. This option is a far better plan rather than just covering up the symptoms that all to often reoccur far to soon.

Until a certain biological change occurs ovarian cysts will continue to form presenting an on going problem. The changes are not major changes, yet are simple life style changes such as reducing and eventually cutting caffeine from your diet. Working to overcome the addiction of caffeine is far less painful than the pain of living with ovarian cysts on a daily basis. Once you experience the change from this one simple change you will gladly press on to remove caffeine more and more. The pain of this condition is enough to drive you insane. Many people live caffeine free and you can too.

Women living with this pain try many different medications rarely enjoying real long-term relief. The natural cures such as a healthy caffeine free diet create real progress and there are many more to explore. Many of these methods and procedures that have been used to help and proven tried and true!

The key is finding the root of the formation of cysts.

The causes
1) An insulin imbalance
2) Bad choices creating continued exposure to certain toxins.

The Cures
1) Maintain a healthy low fat high fiber diet to achieve normal insulin levels.
2) Stop eating chemical laden foods such as sugary, fatty and diet drinks creating toxins.

Taking a systematic approach to eliminate the offending culprits such as caffeine and poor food choices switching to healthier choices in daily life, it's much easier and affective plan of action to get the real relief needed. Feeling sorry for yourself and doing nothing about your ovarian cysts will not only continue the painful cycle, but it could lead to long lasting health problems. Don't allow your condition to progress increasing the risk of developing more serious issues, get started today on a natural treatment plan that will keep you healthy and pain free for years to come. A healthy life style consisting of good food and smart choices will head you in the right direction.

Here is what I've got; a website with clarity!

Jump over to Ovarian Cysts get more information on natural cures, deal with what's eating you and stop the pain!

Much Love and Success,

Katie enjoys sharing helpful resources. In doing so she has created relationships with certain experts and in recommending their products may receive compensation.

Recommended Reading
Ovarian Cyst Miracle
The Most Powerful & Unique 3-Step System

To Help Reverse Ovarian Cysts Holistically

July 09- 2010 All About Women Health - Ovarian Cysts

Natural Cures For Ovarian Cysts Without Birth Control
By Katie L. McMurray

Recommended Reading
Ovarian Cyst Miracle
The Most Powerful & Unique 3-Step System

To Help Reverse Ovarian Cysts Holistically

Large and overwhelming numbers of women are fed up with the pills, surgery and invasive procedures that may only provide temporary relief from the ovarian cysts they suffer with. There are alternatives and natural cures for ovarian cysts without birth control. Anyone suffering with this condition knows there has got to be a better way. What we will discuss today is a natural cure for ovarian cysts and one that deals with really getting to the root of the problem to fix it. This option is a far better plan rather than just covering up the symptoms that all to often reoccur far to soon.

Until a certain biological change occurs ovarian cysts will continue to form presenting an on going problem. The changes are not major changes, yet are simple life style changes such as reducing and eventually cutting caffeine from your diet. Working to overcome the addiction of caffeine is far less painful than the pain of living with ovarian cysts on a daily basis. Once you experience the change from this one simple change you will gladly press on to remove caffeine more and more. The pain of this condition is enough to drive you insane. Many people live caffeine free and you can too.

Women living with this pain try many different medications rarely enjoying real long-term relief. The natural cures such as a healthy caffeine free diet create real progress and there are many more to explore. Many of these methods and procedures that have been used to help and proven tried and true!

The key is finding the root of the formation of cysts.

The causes
1) An insulin imbalance
2) Bad choices creating continued exposure to certain toxins.

The Cures
1) Maintain a healthy low fat high fiber diet to achieve normal insulin levels.
2) Stop eating chemical laden foods such as sugary, fatty and diet drinks creating toxins.

Taking a systematic approach to eliminate the offending culprits such as caffeine and poor food choices switching to healthier choices in daily life, it's much easier and affective plan of action to get the real relief needed. Feeling sorry for yourself and doing nothing about your ovarian cysts will not only continue the painful cycle, but it could lead to long lasting health problems. Don't allow your condition to progress increasing the risk of developing more serious issues, get started today on a natural treatment plan that will keep you healthy and pain free for years to come. A healthy life style consisting of good food and smart choices will head you in the right direction.

Here is what I've got; a website with clarity!

Jump over to Ovarian Cysts get more information on natural cures, deal with what's eating you and stop the pain!

Much Love and Success,

Katie enjoys sharing helpful resources. In doing so she has created relationships with certain experts and in recommending their products may receive compensation.

Recommended Reading
Ovarian Cyst Miracle
The Most Powerful & Unique 3-Step System

To Help Reverse Ovarian Cysts Holistically

Saturday, July 3, 2010

July 03- 2010 All About Women Health - Ovarian Cysts

Get Rid of Ovarian Cysts For Good - The Truth About Ovarian Cysts

Sunday, June 27, 2010

June 27 - 2010 All About Women Health - Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian Cysts Natural Remedies - Do They Work in All Instances?
By Victoria Gemini Platinum Quality Author

Recommended Reading
Ovarian Cyst Miracle
The Most Powerful & Unique 3-Step System

To Help Reverse Ovarian Cysts Holistically

Ovarian cysts are a fairly common occurrence in women who are still menstruating. These minuscule fluid filled sacs can be found inside the ovary or on its surface. There are of many different types and they vary in their symptoms and also impact on your health. Some of these cysts exist in your body without any symptoms and they are only detected as a result of some other test. There is a growing and very vocal population of women who believe that women can get by with using ovarian cysts natural remedies and that there is no need to go to a doctor to treat them.

Part of the reason for this is that doctors are unable to give any treatment for cysts apart from surgery. This is something that many women consider highly unnecessary and not only because it might impact their fertility. The ovaries are vital to regulate the levels of estrogen in a woman's body. Surgery is also believed to carry a lot of risk and it is very expensive, even if it is a minor surgery that does not involve the removal of the ovaries.

There are lots of ovarian cysts natural remedies available that mostly necessitate the consumption of vitamins and nutritional supplements. They also require that the woman changes her diet to include a lot of fruits and vegetables instead of meats since there are too many chemicals, preservatives and hormones found in meats, in particular red meats. These chemicals and hormones get into our system with disastrous consequences.

Many women follow these natural remedies with great success and they have reported that they have been able to bring their cysts under control and prevent them from occurring. However, if you too suffer from these cysts, you should first get a medical opinion on the subject. There are different types of cysts, and not every type will get cured by these ovarian cysts natural remedies. If by some mischance you have a malignant cyst, you will need surgery at the earliest in order to remove it completely.

Once your cyst has been surgically removed, or even if one ovary has been taken out, you will certainly benefit from following ovarian cysts natural remedies in order to reduce your chance of getting another cyst. This will ensure that your remaining ovary remains safe for as long as possible, and your body's hormone levels can continue to be normal.

Now Pay Close Attention Here-

There is a proven all natural technique which will help you cure ovarian cysts in a few days. If you have been desperately looking around the cure for ovarian cysts then this is the most important review you will ever read- Click Here.

Recommended Reading
Ovarian Cyst Miracle
The Most Powerful & Unique 3-Step System

To Help Reverse Ovarian Cysts Holistically

Monday, June 21, 2010

June 21-2010 All About Women Health - Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian Cysts and Pregnancy - Can I Still Get Pregnant?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

June 15-2010 All About Women Health - Ovarian Cysts

Symptoms of Ovarian Cysts - It May Never Cease
By Lucas Mattioneli

Recommended Reading
Ovarian Cyst Miracle
The Most Powerful & Unique 3-Step System

To Help Reverse Ovarian Cysts Holistically

An ovarian cyst is a closed baglike mass that forms inside the ovary. An ovarian cyst develops during menstrual cycle. Most cysts work as part of the menstruation process - and these are called functional cysts. They occur during ovulation and they also disappear after a period of time. Simple cyst contains liquid or solid materials when the egg is not released during ovulation. Cysts can cause bleeding and pain but can be treated through surgery. During ovulation, hormone or substance is released in the ovary, follicles or small bags where eggs are developed. When eggs are finally formed they follicles are broken to release the eggs. The small bags that do not carry eggs are called corpus luteum but when these follicles or bags are not broken, they form as ovarian cysts. There are different kinds of ovarian cysts namely:

  • Follicular cyst - this is formed when follicle or baglike mass that contain egg grow larger and does not break to release the egg
  • Corpus Luteum cyst - this is formed during the menstrual cycle. If the egg is not fertilized or pregnancy, this cyst disappears over a period time
  • Dermoid cyst - this is related to tissues forming the skin, hair and teeth. It develops from the ovary's germ cells, are noticeable during adulthood.
  • Endometrial or chocolate cyst - is formed due to a disease called endometriosis that is, the tissue develops outside the uterus and when it bleeds in area where it is formed, it becomes a cyst
  • Cystadenomas - abnormal growths from the ovarian tissue
  • Polycystic ovaries - when follicles or baglike mass do not burst in the ovaries. They grow bigger in size in the ovaries and form as cysts.

Symptoms for ovarian cyst may go unnoticeable until they are found during medical examination. During childbirth, injury or sexual intercourse, they may break and may show symptoms such as:

  • Extreme pains in the abdomen
  • Profuse bleeding internally
  • Painful sexual intercourse
  • Weight gain
  • Inability to conceive a child
  • Heavy menstrual flow
  • Painful bower movement
  • Changes in menstruation cycle

Diagnosis of ovarian cyst includes physical examination, laboratory tests and information on the medical history of the patient. Laboratory tests include CBC and pregnancy test. Diagnostic test will also be administered such as ultrasound, laparoscopy, and x-ray.

Depending on the type, size and location of cysts treatment for ovarian cyst also consider the age of the patient. For "functional cyst", the doctor Would recommend waiting and seeing if the cysts would disappear over a period of time because it normally does. For polycystic type, prescription may vary accordingly. For endometrial, cystadenomas, and dermoid cysts, treatment is usually done with surgery. Laparoscopy will be done if the cyst

is smaller however, if the mass is over two and a half inches big, certain procedures will be done to remove it. Such procedures may include: ovarian cystectomy - removal of the cyst, partial oophorectomy - removal or cyst and a portion of the ovary, salpingo oophorectomy - removal of cyst, ovary, and fallopian tube.

Lucas Mattioneli is also a freelance writer who like to share holistic and natural ways get relief from common health problems. Click here to find a comprehensive guide on permanently and safely eliminate ovarian cysts. To learn more about ovarian cyst symptoms, check out my blog Ovarian Cyst Treatment.

Recommended Reading
Ovarian Cyst Miracle
The Most Powerful & Unique 3-Step System

To Help Reverse Ovarian Cysts Holistically

Thursday, June 10, 2010

June 10-2010 All About Women Health - Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian Cyst Symptoms - 13 Warning Signs That Should Never Be Taken For Granted
By Lucas Mattioneli

Recommended Reading
Ovarian Cyst Miracle
The Most Powerful & Unique 3-Step SystemTo Help Reverse Ovarian Cysts Holistically

Ovarian cysts are developed on the female reproductive organs (ovaries) which are fluid-filled sacs. As the ovaries are setting up eggs to discharge into the fallopian tube during the menstrual cycle, the more high risk women can get the chance to build up the cyst. Many of those are not harmful (benign) but some can pose threat to health that makes it malignant. The cysts contain tissue like hair, teeth, bone and develop at the ages of 20 to 40. Whenever it cuts off the passage to ovaries, the patient may experience pain and with further diagnosis, it may lead to operation procedure.
The kind of cyst will be depending on the symptoms patient are experiencing. Some women may feel the signs from mild to severe. It may not be noticeable all the time but there are common warning signs you can observe. Here are some ovarian cyst symptoms:
Breast tenderness
Lower backache and on the upper legs
Irregularity and abnormalities in menstrual cycle
Nausea or vomiting
Abdominal pressure
Gain weight
Urinal urgency or problems passing urine
Painful in sexual function
If the cysts get worse, severe manifestations will occur such as:
Rapid breathing
Relentless abdominal pressure and pain
Consulting to doctor and undergo series of examinations will confirm the correct diagnosis base on the symptoms that are mentioned above. Routine ultrasound exam may help detect if there is any development of cyst inside the ovaries. It will play the major role in confirming the level of doubt with regards to any serious ovarian growth. Appearance of a collapsed sac with free fluid in the cavity can be detected by the ultrasound.
Getting consultation from someone with medical background can help women get through this. It could easily disrupt their lives and making sure to handle the symptoms with outmost care is imperative and should not be taken for granted. If the symptoms are suspicious, another examination will perform to make sure if the cyst is already malignant. Surgical operation such as Laparoscopy is often done if the stage is still benign. The incision is above the navel while the patient is under general anesthesia. In cases that there is larger mass in the ultrasound and higher CA-125 in the blood exam, removal of ovaries is considered to prevent the cyst to metastasis outside the ovaries and some other parts of the body. The surgical procedure will be hysterectomy and oophorectomy as the suggested method.
Always seek for the professional advice before starting any therapy or any changes to the existing treatment. Never delay or disregard the advice that will be given or to worsen the situation. The risk of getting an ovarian cyst is very common to all women regardless of age, ethnicity and health condition. This useful information will help all the females to handle the ovarian cyst symptoms very well and never ever take this for granted.
Lucas Mattioneli is also a freelance writer who like to share holistic and natural ways get relief from common health problems. Click here to find a comprehensive guide on permanently and safely eliminate ovarian cysts. To learn more about ovarian cyst symptoms, check out my blog Ovarian Cyst Treatment.

Recommended Reading
Ovarian Cyst Miracle
The Most Powerful & Unique 3-Step SystemTo Help Reverse Ovarian Cysts Holistically

Sunday, June 6, 2010

June 06-2010 All About Women Health - Ovarian Cysts

The Big Question - What Brings About Ovarian Cysts?

Thursday, June 3, 2010

June 03-2010 All About Women Health - Ovarian Cysts

Natural Remedies For Ovarian Cysts That You Can Try at Home
By Victoria Gemini

Recommended Reading
Ovarian Cyst Miracle
The Most Powerful & Unique 3-Step System
To Help Reverse Ovarian Cysts Holistically

Ovarian cysts are common problems that are caused when fluid fills up in small sacs on the ovaries. The problem is that doctors have very little to do in order to cure you of them. They can only remove the offending cysts whereas the causes of this problem remain untouched. This is the reason that increasing numbers of women are opting for natural remedies for ovarian cysts.
Thankfully, the natural remedies that are available are easy to find and to administer. You can do them all by yourself right at home. The idea behind these remedies is that they eliminate the reasons for the cysts forming in the first place.
Ovarian cysts are mainly caused by two dietary factors; they are consumption of carbohydrate in excess and also eating a lot of estrogen rich food. High estrogen levels have a direct impact on cyst formation. When you consume carbs in excess, you will end up with high estrogen storage because this hormone is stored in fat cells. Extra carbs will also lead to secretion if of prostaglandin hormones which is what causes the pain.
In the same way, there are certain foods you eat that contain estrogen in excess. Tomatoes, soybeans are just two examples of food that are bad for you.
It would be best if you turned vegetarian. Animals are famously fed a lot of hormones in order to increase their yield. Eating these meats will ensure that you get the unwanted hormones into your system. It is best that you avoid eating milk as well as dairy products due to the high levels of hormones in them. Buy only organic products if you really have to eat meat and dairy foods.
You could also apply packs of warmed castor oil to your abdomen because they are believed to be effective in dissolving these offending cysts. If you have a good rapport with your doctor you can take him or her into your confidence regarding these wraps.
This is a very effective but time consuming process, but since it is very powerful you should not use it more than three times in a week, for more than one hour every time. You can harm yourself if you do it much more than this. Go to your doctor immediately if you experience excess discomfort, pain or fever.
You should be able to get considerable relief if you follow these remedies for ovarian cysts.
Now Pay Close Attention Here-
There is a proven all natural technique which will help you cure ovarian cysts in a few days. If you have been desperately looking around the cure for ovarian cysts then this is the most important review you will ever read- Click Here.

Recommended Reading
Ovarian Cyst Miracle
The Most Powerful & Unique 3-Step System
To Help Reverse Ovarian Cysts Holistically

Monday, May 31, 2010

May 31 -2010 All About Women Health - Cysts

Ruptured Ovarian Cyst Treatment - The Various Ways Practiced Today!
By Victoria Gemini

Recommended Reading
Ovarian Cyst Miracle
The Most Powerful & Unique 3-Step System
To Help Reverse Ovarian Cysts Holistically

A female human body contains two ovaries on both sides of the pelvis. These ovaries produce eggs that are responsible for reproduction in humans. A cyst is formed in an ovary if there are any irregularities in the growth or release of the eggs. Ovarian cysts are usually spotted during routine pelvic examination and the doctor then constantly monitors the cysts by doing ultrasounds regularly till the cysts disappear. Otherwise some form of ruptured ovarian cyst treatment is followed. If the cysts are ignored without proper medical attention and care there is every chance for the cyst to rupture. This means that due to our own negligence a harmless situation can turn into an extremely dangerous condition.
An untreated ruptured ovarian cyst can cause grave health hazard and can also cause severe complications like internal hemorrhaging and infections. If the treatment is neglected for long there may be damage to ovaries, fallopian tubes and other reproductory organs that may cause infertility in a person. It is therefore indispensable that proper knowledge is provided to all the women folk about the occurrence of ovarian cysts, rupture of ovarian cysts, their symptoms and the ruptured ovarian cyst treatment that can be followed for curing it without any further complications. Proper guidance and awareness programs conducted by local doctors would also help a great deal.
The ruptured ovarian treatment is a step by step process. First step is to stabilize the patient. Then she is treated with antibiotics irrespective of complications present to prevent the development of any kind of infection. Then the patient is subjected to a dose of analgesics to manage the pain. These analgesic medications are prescribed in accordance with the other medication being used in the treatment.
In premenopausal women the doctor reduces the stimulation of ovaries by giving oral contraceptive medication. This treatment reduces the chances of recurring cysts and does not in any way hinder the chances of pregnancy. So it can be discussed with your doctor. After the patient is stabilized some tests are conducted to see if the cysts are malignant or not and also to see the extent of damage created by the cyst rupture. It is often required to perform a surgical procedure to remove the ruptured cysts. The doctor also gives some instructions to be followed after the surgery. His instructions may include exercises to prevent blood clots, abstaining from sex and use of tampons till you are properly recovered. The surgery may be followed by regular consultations with the doctor to monitor the recovery.
Now Pay Close Attention Here-
There is a proven all natural technique which will help you cure ovarian cysts in a few days. If you have been desperately looking around the cure for ovarian cysts then this is the most important review you will ever read- Click Here.

Recommended Reading

Ovarian Cyst Miracle
The Most Powerful & Unique 3-Step System
To Help Reverse Ovarian Cysts Holistically

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