Saturday, April 14, 2012

Dealing With Ovarian Cyst Rupture Symptoms


Nowadays, a lot of women are getting worried over an ovarian cyst that appears to have exploded. But, what exactly does this mean and how is this occurrence determined? If your doctor told you your cyst explode on you, that means you most likely had an ovarian cyst rupture. Generally, this implies that a fluid-filled mass developed on your ovary; often this happens when an egg is not released at ovulation and the follicle - the sac - is filled with more and more fluid and gets bigger and bigger. Eventually, the cyst can get so large that part of the wall weakens and fluid begins to leak out - that is, the cyst ruptures.
Ordinary and ruptured cyst symptoms are more or less the same. Specific differences will only occur in the onset, the severity and the regularity of the symptoms. The most common symptoms and signs of a ruptured cyst include the following:
  • Irregular periods

  • Women, who are 20 years old and above, who are suffering from irregular periods should be concerned. Extreme pelvic pain during monthly periods can also be a sign of a ruptured cyst, especially if the bleeding is heavy.

  • Pain

  • Immediate, excruciating pain around the sides of the lower abdomen and within the pelvic region may be experienced by a woman whose cyst has ruptured. Lower back pain can also be felt.

  • Bladder-related problems

  • A ruptured cyst may cause a woman to have the urge to take a trip to the bathroom more frequently than usual. Urinating or controlling urination can also be extremely painful.

  • Bleeding

  • Unexpected, sudden bleeding outside of your menstrual cycle can be a sign of a serious problem. Heavy or light bleeding is one of the symptoms.

  • Feeling generally unwell

  • Poor physical condition may include feeling weak, nauseous, vomiting or fainting. All these might be indications of internal bleeding.
Take note that complications may increase as the cyst on the ovary that ruptured may generate various symptoms from one woman to another and be ignored for that very reason. A thorough understanding of the signs of the cysts that "explode" can be very helpful in choosing the correct treatment before complications arise. To staying vigilant, checking a situation and having regular examinations is critical if you have a cyst on your ovaries. Hence, it is imperative that you mull over these symptoms as guidelines and not an exact diagnosis of your condition since symptoms will not necessarily follow textbook rules.
Although the above-mentioned symptoms are relatively similar to those present when a cyst on the ovary has not ruptured, there is no reason to ignore them and wait for them to disappear. A ruptured cyst can have potentially life-threatening complications, including hemorrhage and infection and it is much better to have your symptoms investigated and found benign than to require emergency surgery for a critical condition. Indeed, it pays off to be on the lookout for possible danger than sorry.
If you're experiencing ovarian cyst rupture symptoms visit your family doctor as soon as possible. Also learn more about ovarian cysts and meet some other women like you. You are not alone.
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The Natural Way To Ovarian Cyst Pain Relief


Ovarian cysts are surprisingly common - an estimated 90% of women are likely to experience this at some time during their reproductive life. Generally, a woman might not even know that they probably have one - it will not show any signals or cause any pain and will simply disappear itself. These are the fortunate ones. But in many cases, it can be painful and there are so many women who have to deal with this condition today that sometimes the pain in ovaries can really leave a woman crippled.
Pain is often the first signal, leading to diagnosis of an ovarian cyst. So if you have been diagnosed with this condition, discomfort will be a part of your life, at least to some extent. With customary therapy, you will have to live with it as long as you are not taking some form of medication(usually either birth control or pain killers). The basic conventional solution for this malfunction of your body is to go for an operation to remove the cysts from the body. Obviously this has its own dangers, and there is no guarantee that the cysts will not simply grow back.
Before going to the radical solutions of surgery, you could try some of the natural treatments that have been identified. With favorable results varying from woman to woman, these alternative remedies have been a great aid for many women. Here are some pure cures to relieve your pain: Herbalists suggest that there are many herbs that can relieve the pain while combating the cause at its origins. Since the cyst is the result of hormonal fluctuations created in the body, herbalists use a wide range of plants for restoring the balance and the harmony of the body. However, herbal solutions for any disease cannot give results overnight. Herbs, such as Chasteberry, Red Clover, Black Cohosh, Dandelion, Milk thistle, Wild Yam and Bee Pollen can be a wonderful relief for the pain. When Bach Flowers are used in combination with herbal medication it can give you very good results. Here combinations can include walnuts, wild oats, impatiens, red chestnut and honeysuckle.
Using heat can be a great help to get rid of the discomfort; it decreases pain and gives relief almost instantly. You can use a heat pad for relief. Doctors recommend patients with ovarian cyst pain to wear loosely fitted clothes in order to restrict tension on the midsection of their stomach. Tight clothes irritate the growths and cause even more severe ovarian cyst pain. Drink lots of water for reducing ovarian cyst pain. It works well when combined with any of the aforementioned remedies.
Ovarian cyst pain can be treated in many ways. For more information please check out Ovarian Cyst Pain Relief website where you will find more tips and information on Ruptured Ovarian Cyst
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Saturday, April 7, 2012

Are Ruptured Ovarian Cysts Treatable?


How not to get worried or even scared when you come across the terms ruptured or burst ovarian cysts! It is of course perfectly legitimate to have fears and if you are suspecting that one of your cysts is rupturing you should consider looking at the usual symptoms associated with this kind of complication.
A woman on a verge or suffering from fully ruptured ovarian cysts will most likely suffer from numerous sudden symptoms.
First of all, her general state of health would have taken a tumble over the recent days if not weeks! Aside from the common types of symptoms such as irregular periods and feeling bloated and generally unwell, a woman experiencing an ovarian cyst rupture will also usually suffer diffused pain located around the abdomen. Pain during sexual intercourse is often one of the most important signals and should never be overlooked.
Now, as soon as the cyst bursts, the symptoms increase dramatically and a very sharp, sometimes intense (stabbing pain) still located within the abdominal area will be felt.
This said, it is also very common for many women to experience no symptoms at all. As a result, a majority of them don't even know that they suffer from ovarian cysts when they are suddenly faced with this pain and discomfort.
Needless to say that if you experience such pain, a trip to your local hospital is necessary in order to make sure the damages are limited and that all other potential diseases or health issues are considered by a medical professional. You must never wait thinking that it will get better; this could lead to some very serious health problems, which I will discuss in the next paragraphs.
What are the real dangers of a burst or ruptured cyst?
A serious haemorrhage (internal bleeding) is the very first real danger brought about by the sudden rupture of an ovarian cyst. We are talking about abnormal bleeding here and not the occasion loss of blood you may have experienced when your cysts were developing or because of any other ailment, which hopefully have been treated by now. A haemorrhage should be a warning signal that something totally unusual and potentially serious is happening and you should make an emergency appointment with your doctor or alternatively visit your hospital for an emergency check up.
Furthermore, if left untreated the haemorrhage could rapidly progress and the blood that has been flowing could eventually become a risk for other nearby organs. After a short while, the untreated haemorrhage could lead to a full blood poisoning also called "septicaemia", which is a life-threatening condition and a lot harder to treat than common cysts. Again, do not wait if you feel like your cyst may have burst, and visit your doctor for proper advice.
So, are they treatable?
Yes, they are as long as you act soon enough. The key to treating this kind of emergency is to recognize the symptoms as soon as they pop up. As I explained earlier, this can sometimes be difficult because many women are asymptomatic but in all cases, yearly routine gynaecological examinations are advisable and should be taken seriously since only a specialist could really spot unseen signs. As far as treatments go, they differ depending on the severity of the ruptured cyst. If the cyst has burst but doesn't present any signs of complication, you'll be advised to take painkillers and watch out to make sure that the inflammation doesn't spread. If the internal bleeding is important and worrying, you will likely be given an ultrasound to determine the severity of the rupture. Antibiotics are usually given to all patients in order to prevent possible infections. Surgery is usually very rare in cases of burst ovarian cysts unless the cyst is clogging up the abdomen or damaging nearby organs but generally speaking, it is not needed.
Prevention, prevention, prevention...
Burst ovarian cysts are treatable but most importantly they are preventable. Prevention is far too often neglected because people don't know where to start. The word itself is vague and I can understand that it takes some real expertise to give some advice on what can stop ovarian cysts from growing in the first place. Yet, millions of former ovarian cysts sufferers who took the right steps are now symptom free. The cures they chose were above all things 100% natural and first of all aimed at reducing the pain and shrink the lumps and secondly making sure they wouldn't come back.
Prevention includes a wide range of different holistic treatments or cures. They are adaptable to each pathology, symptoms and are not seen as just another fad thing even by doctors who are now advocating heat for instance to reduce abdominal pain. Amongst the most sought after preventive treatments are dietary tips, visualization, meditation, deep breathing techniques as well as multiple herbal treatments. Finally, one of the best perks of using holistic therapies to treat and prevent ovarian cysts is that they produce no side effects whatsoever.
Ovarian cysts sufferers, please consider this!
My name is Isabella Miller. If you have found this article on Ruptured Ovarian Cysts useful then you will love the articles I publish regularly on my website. You may also want to sign in and get my FREE NEWSLETTER as well as many more useful tips on the subject. If you have been suffering from the condition and are not sure what to do next then by all means come and visit and learn more at:

Recommended Reading
Ovarian Cyst Miracle
The Most Powerful & Unique 3-Step System
To Help Reverse Ovarian Cysts Holistically

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Effective Natural Treatment Of Ovarian Cysts


Dealing with ovarian cysts can be made easier by employing natural cures, the most effective natural treatment being natural progesterone. This is a natural hormone that is identical to the hormone that your body creates in the second half of your menstrual cycle. Your body also produces the same hormone throughout the period when you are expecting.
When you take natural progesterone, your body will behave as if it is with child. A sign will be sent to the ovaries to stop them from making an egg. The ovaries will in turn signal the cysts to stop rising. The advantage of working with this hormone to treat cysts is that it is compatible with your body and its side effects are minimal if any.
You should take sufficient amounts of natural progesterone, preferably from the tenth day to the twenty sixth day of your menstrual cycle. This will inhibit the production of the luteinizing hormone. When this happens both of your ovaries will receive a phony signal that the other one has already ovulated and will not therefore release an egg. This implies that the cyst will not receive any stimulation and will shrink away after one or two months.
Another natural treatment for cyst is the use of herbs. Most herbal remedies that are used to treat cysts are known to boost the immune system to fight the growth of cysts. Echinacea will improve your immunity and improve the count of your white blood cells as well as their activity. The white blood cells will then engulf any abnormal cells in your body including the ovarian cyst cells. Echinacea performs well if you take breaks in between its use; for example you can take it every day for ten days and take a break for 3 days. You can then resume taking it for the next ten days.
To totally cure cysts, your liver needs a detox in order to excrete excess hormones. A detox also destroys abnormal cells from your body. Milk thistle is a good herbal liver tonic that efficiently performs these functions.
You can use black cohosh or red clover to control your menstrual cycle and balances your hormones. Red clover also has the results of estrogen on your body. Dandelion is another good herbal treatment for cysts as it assists in cleaning your liver.
You may use supplements as natural treatment for ovarian cyst. Both supplements of vitamin C and zinc will boost your immunity. In addition, vitamin C will destroy the abnormal cells in the cyst. On the other hand, zinc will boost your reproductive system. It is also crucial for protecting your DNA cells from being damaged by free radicals. This will help to prevent the occurrence of cysts.
You should make some nutritional modifications in order to prevent suffering from ovarian cysts. Avoid meat and dairy products. Instead, eat more whole grains, fruits, vegetables ands legumes. Sticking with natural treatment for ovarian cyst should cure your cysts without leaving you with serious side effects.
Taylor B. Hash is a writer specializing in niche marketing. You can check out her latest website at Treatment For Ovarian Cyst, where she provides unbiased reviews and buying advice for a range of topics, including Ovarian Cyst Herbal Treatment, and much more.

Recommended Reading
Ovarian Cyst Miracle
The Most Powerful & Unique 3-Step System
To Help Reverse Ovarian Cysts Holistically
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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Cyst on Ovaries - Causes of Ovarian Cysts and Holistic Treatment


A cyst on ovaries in women is not unusual, and may be part of a normal reproductive cycle or may be a sign of hormonal imbalance or metabolic disturbance. These small, fluid-filled sacs may or may not cause pain and other symptoms.
The ovaries are two female organs, one on each side of the uterus. The ovaries, about the size and shape of an almond, produce female hormones and eggs. The eggs grow in a small sac called the follicle and are normally released to the uterus every month, where they may or may not be fertilized. The empty follicle then dissolves into hormones for the next cycle.
Problems may arise when the egg is not released. The sac may dissolve, but it also may swell and in some cases continue to form eggs. These sacs can also seal themselves and swell to several inches in size, and may bleed or become painful.
There are other forms of these abnormalities, as well, including
1. Endometriomas cysts, which are uterine tissue-like growths on the organs.
2. Numerous cysts caused by excess male hormones in the system
3. The ones caused by a condition called PCOS (polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), a diagnosed hormonal abnormality.
Other symptoms may signal the presence of cysts that do not dissolve in the normal way.
1. Excess facial and body hair and male pattern baldness signaling overproduction of male hormones
2. High blood levels of 'bad' cholesterol, insulin, and triglycerides
3. Insulin resistance
4. Heavy bleeding during menstrual periods
5. Irregular cycles.
Since one of the causes is unreleased eggs, lack of ovulation is a result that often contributes to the infertility of sufferers of this ailment. These abnormal sacs can occur in adolescents and premenopausal women, but affect those after menopause more often. The heavy bleeding that may accompany this condition used to be routinely treated by hysterectomy, including the removal of both ovaries. A cyst on ovaries can be treated with drugs, with natural substances that help balance hormones, nutritional supplements, and can also be removed by surgery.
And, before you seek for any surgical solutions, its well worth it to try the only holistic system in existence that will show you how to permanently eliminate all types of ovarian cysts within 2 months, reverse all PCOS symptoms, and regain your natural inner balance, using a unique 3-step method,no one else will tell you about...
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Recommended ReadingOvarian Cyst Miracle
The Most Powerful & Unique 3-Step System
To Help Reverse Ovarian Cysts Holistically

For other women health articles, including ovarian cysts, please visit 

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sept. 15- 2010 All About Women Health - Ovarian Cysts

Signs and Symptoms of Ovarian Cysts
By Ingrid Mercer

Recommended Reading
Ovarian Cyst Miracle
The Most Powerful & Unique 3-Step System
To Help Reverse Ovarian Cysts Holistically

Although the majority of women will have an ovarian cyst at some point in their lives, many are unaware of the signs and symptoms of OC´s. In fact, the symptoms of these legions are generally confused with regular menstrual pain and the vast majority of them go unnoticed. It is best to have an idea of what to look for though, as large or ruptured cysts could cause other complications.
Common Symptoms
Although each person may experience the signs of OCs differently, there are some common symptoms that almost everyone with a cyst will experience. These include:
• Pelvic Discomfort: Pain in the pelvic and lower abdominal region is one of the most common signs and symptoms of ovarian cysts. It can range from a dull ache to a constant and intense pain and is generally centered on the side of your body that contains the cyst. • A Change in Monthly Cycles: If you monthly period has stopped or changes has other infrequencies, then it is a pretty good sign that you may have developed a cyst. • Ongoing Bloating: While some bloating is normal, especially during your monthly cycle, if you are experienced prolonged periods of bloating or feelings of being full, then you need to see the help of a doctor. • Spotting: If your regular cycle is replaced by light spotting then you may have cysts. If the pregnancy tests are coming in negative then have yourself checked.
Signs of an Emergency
Sometimes an ovarian cyst can go undetected, but then may suddenly rupture or become so large that it compromises another organ. If any of the following symptoms occur, you should seek medical help right away.
• Fainting • Sudden Weight Loss • Increased Need to Urinate • Sudden and Prolonged Abdominal Pain • Strong Bleeding Outside of Your Monthly Cycle
There are many signs and symptoms of ova. cysts that can be mistaken for signs of other conditions, including pregnancy. You can use the information above to become better acquainted with the true symptoms of cysts and when it is imperative that you get medical help.
Are you having pain from ovarian cysts? Do you want to get relief of pain from ovarian cysts?
Go to for more valuable information on treatment of ovarian cysts.

Recommended Reading
Ovarian Cyst Miracle
The Most Powerful & Unique 3-Step System
To Help Reverse Ovarian Cysts Holistically

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Monday, September 6, 2010

Sept. 07- 2010 All About Women Health - Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian Cyst Natural Treatments
By Susan Talbot Platinum Quality Author

Recommended Reading
Ovarian Cyst Miracle
The Most Powerful & Unique 3-Step System
To Help Reverse Ovarian Cysts Holistically

As horrible as they are, ovarian cysts are also relatively common. Once the doctor has determined that you have cysts they may talk to you about the traditional treatment options that are available, usually involving pain medication, the Birth Control Pill and even surgery. But there are ovarian cyst natural remedies that can also be used to relieve your pain and even reduce the size of your cyst.

Herbal Treatments: When it comes to a ovarian cyst natural remedies, herbal treatments are certainly worth considering.

Many herbal remedies are based on the notion that your cysts are caused by a hormonal imbalance. Alternative practitioners correct this imbalance by using plants and herbs to rebalance and cleanse the body. They also have specific herbs that can target your cyst and help with relieving your symptoms.

The only drawback to using herbal remedies is that they take time to work. It is generally recommended that you continue to take your herbal remedies for around 6 weeks.

Herbs which are often used for treating cysts are:

Red Clover, Milk Thistle, Chasteberry, Dandelion, Black Cohosh

It is always best to talk to with a naturopath or herbalist to decide the best herbal remedies for you, as well as your dosage. You should also let your doctor know that you are taking any ovarian cyst natural remedy as this may affect their prescription.

Bach Flowers - Bach Flower Remedies are another example of natural remedies: Honeysuckle, Walnut, Red Chestnut, Impatiens, Wild Oats

Castor Oil - Castor oil, has been used for many years to treat a variety of ailments cysts included. It works as an ovarian cyst natural cure by literally dissolving the cyst. If you have been unfortunate enough to have a ruptured cyst you can use a Castor oil pack to relieve the pain and repair the damage.

Castor oil can be used externally on the skin above the cyst. The oil will absorb into the skin and treat your cyst this way. A Castor oil pack not only helps your ovaries, it may also help your digestive system and decrease inflammation. It can help with constipation, gall stones, liver problems or headaches as well. It can also improve circulation and stimulate toxin elimination. The only time that Castor oil is not recommended is when you are pregnant, having your period or if your cyst is malignant.

Diet - Diet may have an impact on the frequency and severity of your cysts. It is thought that the risk increases with the consumption of foods that are high in carbohydrates or estrogen. This is because when you eat a diet high in carbohydrates and gain weight, the fat cells tend to store estrogen. Also, a high carbohydrate diet can wreak havoc with your insulin levels. Excess estrogen and insulin are two hormones which are associated with increased risk of having problems with cysts.

While not technically an ovarian cyst natural remedy, some think that notably reducing or even stopping foods high in carbohydrates and estrogen can be very beneficial if you have problems with recurring cysts.

For more ovarian cyst natural treatment and relief options head on over to Natural Ovarian Cyst Cures

Recommended Reading
Ovarian Cyst Miracle
The Most Powerful & Unique 3-Step System
To Help Reverse Ovarian Cysts Holistically

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